Custom-made douche unit
We are proud to present the following collaboration between MSS-International and Van Overbeek Sanitair.
For one of our clients, we have designed a shower unit that meets the new hygienic requirements regarding sanitary facilities.
This custom-made shower unit has been fully developed according to the wishes of our client. The entire process has been developed from A to Z by Van Overbeek Sanitair and MSS-International. From the first drawings to the final details, our employees have been concerned with the high demands placed on the project.
The shower unit has three showers which are easily connected to the gas network on location. The exterior of the unit matches with the environment where it’s placed. The interior also features materials that you would expect in a modern bathroom.
If you have any sanitary challenge at your location or would you like more information about this project? Pleas feel free to contact us via: or +31(0)499-571910