Partnership between MSS International and Continest
At Lowlands on Sunday, Continest and MSS international signed a contract to design, produce and supply the WETCELL. The contract was signed in our partner’s backstage area at Lowlands (Van Overbeek Sanitair).
The WETCELL can be used as an en-suite bathroom for Continest foldable containers or as a stand-alone unit. It contains a toilet, sink and shower and is very versatile, making it ideal for a wide range of events.
The products of both companies (sanitation and containers) can be used in a huge number of settings: events, festivals, sports, dressing rooms, backstage, glamping, campsites, crew sites, office and storage facilities, accommodation/pop-up hotel rooms, temporary housing, humanitarian missions, defence situations, disaster management, saferoom (under development) and many more.
For details, please check out our product sheets or, even better, come along and see us at the 2019 Showman’s Show in Newbury in the UK on 16 and 17 October 2020. At this event, we will join forces with Continest and present the prototypes and portfolios of both companies.